Each 荣誉 student engages with a 教师 member in a discovery‐based reSearch project or on an original creative work involving inquiry, 调查, 创造性表达. 学生 have the opportunity to expand a project originally developed within their major program or to choose a project unrelated to their major course of study. 鼓励多学科正规博彩十大网站. 荣誉学生然后创建他们的学术活动的书面记录. 学生 who complete an honors project earn the privilege of presenting that project to the campus community in a venue, 比如一年一度的学术庆典, 由荣誉正规博彩十大网站评审委员会批准.
荣誉 students complete at least 24 semester hours of honors-designated courses, which are qualitatively and quantitatively more challenging than non-honors courses.
由我们的教师共同授课, these specialized courses incorporate a multidisciplinary discovery of issues relevant to a central theme. 过去的话题包括“谁说错了”,对伦理和价值体系的探索, 参加一个关于环境政策和政治的研讨会. 个别课程主题每年有所不同, but in each case students benefit from activities and ideas that broaden their cultural backgrounds.
荣誉 学生 earn nine credit hours in a single non-native language, rather than the usual six. This 添加ed attention to language skills allows participants in the 荣誉正规博彩十大网站 to engage as students of the world in more extensive ways.
荣誉 students meet the 正规博彩十大网站 study away requirement by studying abroad at a variety of institutions. 回到科克, 荣誉 学生 share their experiences with the campus community in ways that reflect their expanded knowledge of the world.
正规博彩十大网站领导与生活导论:在本课程中, students engage in challenging dialogue and hold one another accountable for learning and input. 学生 leave this course better prepared for the challenges of leadership in corporate, institutional and public life and better able to analyze their responsibilities and commitments as leaders working for the common good and for purposeful change.
The 荣誉学生会 provides a forum for student feedback into the 荣誉正规博彩十大网站 and, 在荣誉正规博彩十大网站主任的指导下, 为荣誉学生组织社区服务和领导活动.
To build leadership skills, continuing 荣誉 学生 serve as mentors to entering 荣誉 学生. 从第二年开始,每个荣誉学生都会被指派一名导师. The mentor introduces the new 荣誉 Student to the program and helps the mentee become involved in the College as a whole.
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